Bathroom Furniture With Laundry Basket

Bathroom Furniture With Laundry Basket

9 Brilliant Ways a Laundry Basket Can Organize Your Life

You and your plastic laundry basket are about to become attached at the hip.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket for easier baths

To keep your toddler safe as he transitions from the baby bath to a larger tub, place a plastic laundry basket (one with cutouts or perforations) in a full tub and stick your tot inside. The water will flow into the basket and your child's movement will be limited to prevent slips and falls, while bath toys will be close at hand. Once the bath is over, the basket can be used to easily store wet bath toys. Never leave a small child unattended (even for a couple of seconds) in the tub. These are more parenting hacks you'll wish you knew sooner.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket for a cleaner mudroom

If you're continually finding yourself frustrated by wet shoes being strewn about your entryways, place a laundry basket beside your mudroom door to help contain the problem. This will cut down on mess and keep your shoes more organized. Check out how this family added life-changing amounts of storage to a small entryway.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to corral pool toys

After a long day in the sun, store wet floaties and other pool toys in a plastic laundry basket. The cutouts will allow them to dry more easily, preventing mold and mildew from forming. Laundry baskets can also be used as an easy way to sort toys inside the house, and is easy to move from room to room.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to lug stuff to the beach

To prepare for a day at the beach, stick towels and beach toys inside a plastic laundry basket for the trip over. It will be easy to carry from the car and back, and any sand or grime can just be rinsed off at the day's end.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to chill beverages

If you're having a barbecue but can't find your cooler, use your laundry basket for a simple solution. Line the basket with a heavy-duty trash bag and fill with ice. Toss your beverages in and you're set.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to transport a pet

Transport your pet safely and easily by lining the bottom of a plastic laundry basket with towels and sticking him inside. Take another basket and place it upside down on top of the first, then use twist-ties to secure. Don't miss these 50 secrets pets wish they could tell you.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to safeguard plants

The weather forecast is predicting a storm and your delicate plants will be destroyed. Cover them with a laundry basket and weigh it down by placing a large stone or brick on top. This can also be done to help protect plants from cold when temperatures drop.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket to simplify chores

To help keep your house in order, tuck a laundry basket under your arm and walk through each room, throwing any errant items inside as you go. This makes returning each item to its rightful place quick and easy. Or, if you're expecting company and need to do some quick clutter removal, throw the basket in a closet or laundry room to be dealt with later. These are other great storage tips to ban clutter for good.

Emma Kapotes/, iStock

Use a laundry basket on a snow day

Avoid sledding accidents by sticking small children in a laundry basket that can be easily pulled up and down snowy hills. The sides will give kids something to grab onto, which will provide added balance and help to prevent falls.

Sources:, Real Simple, 99¢ Solutions

Originally Published: July 12, 2016

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Bathroom Furniture With Laundry Basket


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